向 Cubbie 打個招呼吧,這只可愛又迷人的泰迪熊在這裡為您帶來 UCCA 的驕傲! Cubbie 穿著時尚的 UCCA T 卹,是學生、校友和粉絲的完美伴侶。無論您是在尋找貼心的禮物、舒適的學習夥伴,還是校園精神,Cubbie 都能滿足您的需求。
精心打造,舒適感:Cubbie 採用毛絨聚酯纖維和 PE/PVC 顆粒製成,實現了柔軟度和重量的完美平衡,高度為 9.5 英寸(24.13 厘米),尺寸正好適合擁抱或展示。
標誌性 UCCA 造型:Cubbie 的 100% 聚酯纖維 T 卹自豪地展示了 UCCA 徽標,使他成為您大學自豪感的終極吉祥物。
雖然 Cubbie 非常適合傳播歡樂,但他不適合 3 歲以下的兒童。
今天就擁有自己的 Cubbie,讓您的 UCCA 精神令人難忘! 🐻🎓
UCCA 泰迪熊 Cubbie:
• 由聚酯纖維製成
• 填充PE/PVC顆粒
• 重量:9.21 盎司。 (0.26 公斤)
• 坐下尺寸為 9.5 英吋(24.13 公分)
• 單一尺寸
• 100% 聚酯纖維
免責聲明:本產品不適合 3 歲以下兒童。
當您下訂單後,Cubbie 會立即為您呈現,這就是為什麼我們需要更長的時間才能將其交付給您。按需生產而不是批量生產有助於減少生產過剩,因此感謝您做出深思熟慮的購買決定!
At UCCA, we’re all about bridging the gap between learning and doing, ensuring students gain not just theoretical knowledge but also the practical skills and experience needed to thrive in the real world.
This store acts as a hands-on conduit for students to experiment with commercialization, test their ideas, and engage with the broader marketplace. Whether it’s designing apparel, home goods, or collectibles, mastering materialization, short-run manufacturing, CAD/CAM design, or refining their skills in online commerce, UCCA students graduate with a portfolio of practical achievements that showcase their readiness for employment. Through industry-relevant training, assessments, and qualifications, we prepare students to excel in today’s competitive job market—not just because of what they know, but because of what they can do.
Our merchandise is more than just gear—it’s a reflection of UCCA’s vibrant culture and commitment to innovation. Most items are produced using print-on-demand (POD) technology, ensuring a sustainable and waste-conscious approach to production. Every product is thoughtfully designed and manufactured to meet the highest commercial quality standards, blending style and practicality. From cozy apparel to functional accessories, our collection celebrates the UCCA brand while offering students meaningful, hands-on experience in e-commerce.
Your support helps nurture the next generation of creative entrepreneurs and keeps the UCCA spirit alive!
Thank you from all of us here at UCCA.